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The Saxon Scope

Bringing you the latest at Langley

The Saxon Scope

Bringing you the latest at Langley

The Saxon Scope

Langley Powderpuff Game

Juniors and seniors compete in a flag football showdown
Aerin Seitz

The Langley High School Powderpuff Game took place Friday afternoon on December 1st, 2023. In this popular event, junior and senior girls come together to play a competitive game of flag football, coached by the varsity football players from either respective grade. This event has been run annually for many years and is a tradition that students look forward to joining every year.

“I’ve been wanting to play in the game since I was a sophomore,” junior Katie Finkelman said. “It was so much fun, and I’d definitely want to participate next year.”

Other than the junior and senior girls, the junior and senior varsity football athletes played the role of the coaches in this event. They hold practices and teach the participating students about tricks and plays to use throughout the game so that they know what to do. 

“We had a practice beforehand, and the football players taught us the positions and the rules,” Finkelman said. 

With all the coaching and the enthusiasm from the players, this year’s game was a highly competitive one. Both teams have conflicting ideas of what the outcome was.

“I think it was a tie personally, but the seniors think that they won,” Finkelman said.

From the seniors’ perspective, they are the reigning champions of the game. 

“I played quarterback for the senior girls, and I would say that we were definitely the winners,” senior Brianna Borcherding said. “Don’t listen to what the juniors say.”

Regardless of the dispute over the winner of the game, this annual tradition is a way to spend quality time with peers and engage in friendly competition with other students. 

“My favorite part was playing with my friends because it was fun having everyone together,” Borcherding said. “I’d for sure recommend playing for any upcoming juniors or seniors.”